Almost Famous (2000)

Rating: 7.9/10
Director: Cameron Crowe
Writer: Cameron Crowe
Actors: Billy Crudup, Frances McDormand, Kate Hudson, Jason Lee
Runtime: 2:02
Rated: R
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Music
Released: 22 Sep 2000
Plot: A high-school boy is given the chance to write a story for Rolling Stone Magazine about an up-and-coming rock band as he accompanies them on their concert tour.
Difficulty: Drunk
*This game has been adjusted for time*
- Someone says “drugs”, “Band-Aid”, “The Enemy”, or “cover”
- William’s age comes up
- Jeff plays an instrument
- Somebody calls William or he calls someone
- Russell postpones an interview
Upgrade this game to a Sloshed difficulty level:
- Someone says “retired”
- William takes notes
- Someone says “It’s all happening”
Upgrade this game to a Dead difficulty level:
- Someone says “Rock and Roll”
- Someone says “Rolling Stone”
Anna Paquin | Anthony Martelli | Bijou Phillips | Billy Crudup | Brian Vaughan | Devin Corey | Eion Bailey | Eric Stonestreet | Erin Foley | Fairuza Balk | Frances McDormand | Gary Kohn | J.J. Cohen | Jason Lee | Jay Baruchel | Jimmy Fallon | John Fedevich | John Patrick Amedori | Kate Hudson | Liz Stauber | Marc Maron | Mark Kozelek | Mark Pellington | Michael Angarano | Mitch Hedberg | Nick Swardson | Noah Taylor | Olivia Rosewood | Patrick Fugit | Pauley Perrette | Pete Droge | Peter Frampton | Philip Seymour Hoffman | Rainn Wilson | Ray Porter | Terry Chen | Zack Ward | Zooey Deschanel