Premature (2014)

Rating: 5.7/10
Director: Dan Beers
Writer: Dan Beers, Mathew Harawitz
Actors: John Karna, Caroline Traywick, Kate Kneeland
Runtime: 1:33
Rated: R
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
Released: 02 Jul 2014
Plot: A high school senior has to re-live losing his virginity over and over again until he gets it right, with the right girl.
Difficulty: Drunk
- Rob’s mom finds him in bed
- The headband shows up
- Someone says “spelling bee” or “orgasm”
- Stanley helps Rob out
- Jack cries
- Rob crawls through a window
Upgrade this game to a Sloshed difficulty level:
- Someone says “Bee”
- The Bee is on-screen
- Someone says “test”
Upgrade this game to a Dead difficulty level:
- Someone says “sex”
- Someone says “interview”
ALTERNATE GAME OPTION (Buzzed Difficulty):
- Someone says “Georgetown”