Up the Creek (1984)

Rating: 5.5/10
Director: Robert Butler
Writer: Jim Kouf, Jeff Sherman, Douglas Grossman
Actors: Tim Matheson, Jennifer Runyon, Stephen Furst
Runtime: 1:36
Rated: R
Genre: Comedy
Released: 06 Apr 1984
Plot: Bob McGraw is in his 12th year of college, goofing his way through life, until he has to win a river rafting race with three college buddies.
Difficulty: Drunk
- Scenes where we see boobies
- McGraw lights a cigar
- Irwin takes a pull off of a flask
- McGraw narrates
- Capt. Braverman gets the short end of the stick
- Team IVY sabotages someone
Upgrade this game to a Sloshed difficulty level:
- Someone says some form of the word “disqualify”
- Someone says “rapids”
Upgrade this game to a Dead difficulty level:
- Someone says “race”
- Someone says “Chuck”
- Someone says “river”, “raft”, or “win”